The Director General of Uruguay Customs, Mr. Jaime Borgiani, participated in the 139th and 140th Sessions of the World Customs Organization Council, the Organization’s highest decision-making body, held in Brussels, Belgium from 23 to 25 June 2022.
Under the chairmanship of Mr. A. Al Khalifa, President of Customs Affairs in Bahrain, the Council took stock of the work carried out by the WCO Members and the Secretariat, since the last Council session held in a virtual format in June 2021. Delegates discussed and decided on international standards, recommendations and practices to be developed or adopted during the next financial year, to enhance the management of cross-border trade.
Members discussed on areas such as Capacity Building, Rules of Origin, Valuation, Nomenclature and Classification, Compliance and Trade Facilitation, as well as other important governance matters.